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Paragon Water System


Water is essential to life, to all life. It is a precious, irreplaceable commodity that is the foundation for our very existence. Even though water is an abundant resource on Earth, the supply of clean, uncontaminated water for drinking, cooking and bathing is scarce. With the advances in technology, increases in the population and the modernization of much of our agricultural lands, hazardous chemicals have contaminated much of our water supply.


There is an increasing awareness and need for products such as water filtration systems, reverse osmosis filters and other water treatment systems, that can clean, filter and restore our water supply to a pure, uncontaminated state.


Paragon Water Systems, Inc., a leader in the water purification industry, has developed a comprehensive line of high performance water treatment products to effectively treat and condition your water supply.


Product Catalogue and Price Listing

Paragon Water Installation Guide

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